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Welcome to our website!

Choosing a healthcare provider is one of the most important decisions you can make. You want someone who is caring, knowledgeable, and accessible. Someone willing to take the time to go over all of your options and treat you as a person, not just a patient. At our practice, we pride ourselves on our patient service. We offer a knowledgeable staff, safe and proven procedures, and the latest in technology. We've created this web site for both new and current patients. It includes specific information on our practice and our doctor along with general wellness information.


*New Patient Intake Form* <--Click here to get started.


Health Articles

Blackouts, Daily Vomiting and Headaches Helped by Chiropractic
Blackouts, Daily Vomiting and Headaches Helped by Chiropractic
The Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research published the results of a case study on July 3, 2023, that documented the successful chiropractic care of a patient who was suffering with  blackouts, daily vomiting and headaches. Black-outs are sometimes called "drop attacks". These can be caused . . .
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Bedwetting Helped by Chiropractic According to Study
Bedwetting Helped by Chiropractic According to Study
A study published in the third quarter 2023 issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal documented three cases of children being helped by chiropractic with Nocturnal Enuresis, more commonly known as bedwetting. . . .
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Improvement in Mental Processing and Quality of Life in a 74-year-old under Chiropractic
Improvement in Mental Processing and Quality of Life in a 74-year-old under Chiropractic
The Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal published a case study in April 2023 documenting the self-reported improvement by a 74-year-old patient in a mental processing and a variety of symptoms due to chiropractic. . . .
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Breathing Difficulties Improved in Post-COVID Patients With Chiropractic Care
Breathing Difficulties Improved in Post-COVID Patients With Chiropractic Care
The Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research published the results of a study on February 9, 2023, that showed that people who previously had COVID-19 and were still suffering from difficulty breathing, called dyspnea, improved while under chiropractic care. The authors of this study begin . . .
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Office Hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Lunch - 3:00 - 6:00
3:00 - 7: 00
9:00 - 12:00 - Lunch - 3:00 - 6:00
3:00 - 7: 00
9:00 - 1:00 


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